Have you ever listened to an English conversation, and a pounding storm of unfamiliar words have swirled around your head and left you with a big headache and an even bigger question: 'Will I ever understand and speak English like a native???' As a Korean migrant to Australia at the age of 35, I regularly experienced this headache; at times it turned to heartbreak. I asked myself this question many, many times. When I arrived in Australia in 1991 I could barely speak a word of English. Now, that big question, once filled with doubt and fear, has been answered: YES! I CAN understand and speak English like a native! And if I can, you can too! Sook Hee (Susan) Lee was born in South Korea and migrated to Australia in 1991. She spent 20 years learning English yet she came to realize that despite having a deep knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar, she didn't know real colloquial English. She observed that native English speakers love to use 'Y' ending expressions in everyday life s . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD