How to Beat Your Speeding Ticket in Court and Win! PDF

Descriptions How to Beat Your Speeding Ticket in Court and Win! book

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Yesterday there were over 112,000 speeding tickets issued in the US and to make matters worse, each of these tickets can result in over ,500 in additional insurance premiums over the next 5-years. “Radar” Roy Reyer is a retired cop and certified traffic radar instructor and recognized as a world wide expert in speeding ticket avoidance tactics and products. Roy has bottled up his 40 plus years of training and experience to put together a simple to follow 7-step guide on how you can successfully beat your speeding ticket in court.

In his book Roy explains the new technology police use to measure your speed and the weakness of each. He then shares with you effective strategies to prepare your case for trial. Roy walks you through each step such as how to obtain certification records for the equipment, how to subpoena evidence and even questions you should ask the officer during your case.

Roy’s strategies are so effective that in October of 2014 WFMY-TV re . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD