New 2018 Edition
This GRE Prep Book contains all the 3861 GRE words, meanings, and for most words, memorable sentence fragments and you also download ALL the 19 CDs.
This book is ideal for you if you have 2 months or more for GRE preparation.
Do NOT Buy Used Book Download is copyrighted mp3 audio and is NOT available with old / used books.
Best for Who If you are an American student who is not strong in vocabulary. If you are a foreigner and English is not your first language. Why is vocabulary so very important on the GRE test?
It is so important because for most people it is more difficult to memorize vocabulary than to improve math skills.
So if you can memorize the high-frequency GRE words (which others find difficult) it can help you get high GRE score.
The words are given in bold (example, the words belabor and buttress below). The meaning is given after the equal sign (=) following a word. The words are not neces . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD