SAVE 10% when you order the text and workbook together!One of the most popular and influential reading textbooks of the past 10 years gets a comprehensive update in this highly anticipated second edition, straight from renowned NCTQ-recommended expert Louisa Moats. Updated meticulously with the very latest research, the new edition of this bestselling text helps elementary educators grasp the structure of written and spoken English, understand how children learn to read, and apply this foundational knowledge as they deliver explicit, high-quality literacy instruction.With extensive updates and enhancements to every chapter, the new edition of Speech to Print fully prepares today's literacy educators to teach students with or without disabilities. Teachers will getin-depth explanation of how the book aligns with the findings of current scientific research on reading, language, and spellingexpanded information on the critical elements of language, including orthography, morphology, phone . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD